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All Martyrs Page 3
An Account Of The Persecution In Scotland During The Reign Of King Henry Viii
The first person we meet with who suffered in Scotland on the score of religion, was one Patrick Hamilton, a gentleman of an independent fortune, and descended from a very ancient and honourable family. Having acquired a liberal education, and b...
An Account Of The Persecution Of Friends Commonly Called Quakers In The United States
About the middle of the seventeenth century, much persecution and suffering were inflicted on a sect of protestant dissenters, commonly called Quakers: a people which arose at that time in England some of whom sealed their testimony with their blood...
An Account Of The Persecutions Against The Christians In Abyssinia Or Ethiopia
Towards the conclusion of the fifteenth century, and soon after the discovery of the Cape of Good Hope, some Portuguese missionaries made a voyage to Abyssinia, and were indefatigable in propagating the Roman catholic doctrine among the Abyssinians,...
An Account Of The Persecutions Against The Christians In Turkey
Mahomet, (the impostor) in the infancy of his new religion, tolerated christianity through a political motive, as he was sensible, that even in those early times it had several powerful espousers among the princes, who were his cotemporaries. As a p...
An Account Of The Persecutions In Bohemia Under The Papacy
The Roman pontiffs having usurped a power over several churches were particularly severe on the Bohemians, which occasioned them to send two ministers and four lay-brothers to Rome, in the year 977, to obtain redress of the pope. After some delay, t...
An Account Of The Persecutions In China And Several Other Countries
Christianity was first established in China by three Italian missionaries, called Roger the Neapolitan, Pasis of Bologne, and Matthew Ricci of Mazerata, in the marquisate of Ancona. These entered China about the beginning of the sixteenth century,...
An Account Of The Persecutions In Great Britain And Ireland Prior To The Reign Of Queen Mary I
Gildas, the most ancient British writer extant, who lived about the time that the Saxons left the island of Great Britain, has drawn a most shocking instance of the barbarity of those people. The Saxons, on their arrival, being heathens like the...
An Account Of The Persecutions In Japan
Christianity was first introduced into the idolatrous empire of Japan by some Portuguese missionaries in the year of our Lord 1552, and their endeavours in making converts to the light of the gospel met with a degree of success equal to their most s...
An Account Of The Persecutions In Lithuania And Poland
The persecutions in Lithuania began in 1648, and were carried on with great severity by the Cossacks and Tartars. The cruelty of the Cossacks was much, that even the Tartars, at last, grew ashamed of it, and rescued some of the intended victims fr...
An Account Of The Persecutions In Spanish America
The bloody tenets of the Roman catholic persuasion, and the cruel disposition of the votaries of that church, cannot be more amply displayed or truly depicted, than by giving an authentic and simple narrative of the horrid barbarities exercised by t...
An Account Of The Persecutions In The Marquisate Of Saluces
The Marquisate of Saluces, on the south side of the valleys of Piedmont, was in A. D. 1561, principally inhabited by protestants, when the marquis, who was proprietor of it, began a persecution against them at the instigation of the then pope. He be...
An Account Of The Persecutions In The Netherlands
The light of the gospel having successfully spread over the Netherlands, the pope instigated the emperor to commence a persecution against the protestants; when many thousand fell martyrs to superstitious malice and barbarous bigotry, among whom the...
An Account Of The Persecutions In The States Of Barbary
In Algiers the christians are treated with particular severity; as the Algerines are some of the most perfidious, as well as the most cruel of all the inhabitants of Barbary. By paying a most exorbitant fine, some christians are allowed the title of...
An Account Of The Persecutions In The Valleys Of Piedmont In The Seventeenth Century
Pope Clement the eighth, sent missionaries into the valleys of Piedmont, to induce the protestants to renounce their religion; and these missionaries having erected monasteries in several parts of the valleys, became exceedingly troublesome to those...
An Account Of The Persecutions In Venice
While the state of Venice was free from inquisitors, a great number of protestants fixed their residence there, and many converts were made by the purity of the doctrines they professed, and the inoffensiveness of the conversation they used. The ...
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Execution Of Ten Martyrs At Lewes
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Petition Of The Protestant Refugees
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Letters From Louvois To Marillac
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Persecution In The Pays De Vaud