Agnes Potten And Joan Trunchfield

These godly women (before mentioned) were both of Ipswich, and suffered

about the same time with Cranmer. When in prison together, Mrs.

Trunchfield was less ardent and zealous than Mrs. Potten; but when at

the stake, her hope in glory was brighter even than that of her


John Maundrel, William Coberly, and John Spicer were burnt between

Salisbury and Wilton, March 24, 1556. Two died without
any particular

retardation, but Coberly, from the current of wind as he stood, was a

long time in perishing. His left arm was visible to the bone, while the

right, but little injured, beat upon his breast softly, and the

discharge from his mouth was considerable. Rising suddenly erect from

hanging over the chain, as if dead, he gave up his mortal abode for one

made without hands, eternal in the heavens!

Rev. Robert Drakes, Rev. William Tyms, Richard Spurge, Sheerman T.

Spurge, Fuller; J. Cavel, Weaver; and G. Ambrose, Fuller.

These worthies were of Essex, and in the diocese of London.--They were

all sent up to Gardiner, the chancellor, March 25, 1555; who imprisoned

them some in the king's bench, and others in the Marshalsea.

March 28, the six were brought up for condemnation in the consistory of

St. Paul's; after which sentence, they were delivered to the sheriff, to

be sent to Newgate, where they remained, patiently waiting the Lord's

time for deliverance, which took place about the 23d of April, 1556, in


In the same month, perished John Harpole, of Rochester, and Joan Beach,

widow, (before mentioned) with Mr. N. Hall. They suffered under Maurice,

bishop of Rochester, in whose diocess they lived.

Rev. John Hullier. This gentleman went from Eton school to king's

college, Cambridge, and suffered under Dr. Thirlby, bishop of Ely. He

died the 2d of April, 1556.

From Kent we now turn to Colchester in Essex, where six constant

professors of the gospel were selected to witness the truth by the

sacrifice of their lives. These were, C. Luyster, of Dagenham,

husbandman; John Mace, apothecary; John Spencer, weaver; Simon Joyne,

lawyer; Richard Nichols, weaver, and John Hammond, tanner; five of


